Managing your Campaign Organisation

From your Campaign Manager to your Voluntary Canvassers: Ensuring Everyone is on the Same Page

Updated over a week ago

Ecanvasser is primarily a canvassing app that ensures a high value data return on your in-field operations. However, you may also use some of its versatile features to help with organizational aspects of your campaign.

Your Campaign Team Members are also voters, and as such, should be kept in your Voter Database alongside the rest of your Voter Universe! You can then use many of the features of Ecanvasser, primarily geared towards Voter engagement, to help organize your Campaign.

Marking your Team Members as Volunteers

The first step in beginning to organize your campaign through Ecanvasser is to mark those Voter who are willing to help out on the Campaign as Volunteers:

  1. Select a person from the Voter tab. You may review their current Volunteer status

  2. Click on Edit Status

  3. In the opened popup window, change the current Volunteer Status

  4. Select Save

Custom Fields for Volunteers

Particularly if you have a large team of Volunteers it may be useful to use Ecanvasser to keep track of their skills, or interests, or willingness to Volunteer.

For example, you may wish to create a Custom Field with the following Multiple Choice answers:ย 

  • Canvass

  • Leaflets

  • Lawn-Sign Delivery

  • Postering

  • Graphic Design

Review your Campaign Team's Strength

You can now Filter for your Volunteers, and even by the above Custom Fields, to see how many Volunteers you have willing to engage in each task. You can even do so via the Map tab to see the geographic distribution of these skills or interests.

Create Teams & Lists

Creating Teams based off the results of the above actions will make assigning Team Members to a task as straightforward as possible.

You may wish to create Teams based upon task, geography or a combination of both. When you next create a List to be canvassed, or that requires lawn-signs delivered, a premade List will exist allowing you to determine who is best suited to the job!

Similarly, creating a List will make the information below regarding Contact much more efficient, as well as being another way to track your Team!

Communicate with your Team

Talking Points

These are short policy positions that ensure that your Canvassers stay on message while on the doors. That said, though it is advisable to keep to actual policy positions, you could consider including short, brief, instructions to your Canvassers within a single Talking Point, for example:

  • Canvasses should not begin before X in the morning

  • Canvassed should end by X in the evening

  • Ensure to leave leaflet if door is not answered


The primary purpose of the Contact tab is to perform an Email Blast to segments of your Voter Database. However, it may also be used to keep in contact with, and update your Team. For example, you might want to email your team to:

  • Provide more extensive policy documents

  • Advise them of upcoming events such as fundraisers or rallies

You should use Ecanvasser to its maximum benefit for your specific needs - some aspects of the above will definitely work for your campaign, particularly when used in tandem.

For example, having marked your Team as Volunteers, assign them a new Survey to answer which task they are willing to perform - you can now use the the Survey Results to review your Team!

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