Understanding Permission Levels

Permission Levels: from Organizer to Account Owner

Updated over a week ago

One of the most talked about aspects of any outreach team is security and we fully understand why. No matter what size your organization is, you want to learn more information about the people that you and your team are connecting with, the higher quality of the data you have, the better return from your outreach efforts.

Ecanvasser has engineered transparency and access control security measures through the different user permission level settings.

There are 5 different permissions levels that your members can hold.

Next to the person who sets up the account- and is automatically given the permission set of an Account Owner - there are 4 options for your members with different permission sets:

  • Account Owner: Has access to all aspects of the account, is the person who created the account and this can’t be modified.

  • Account Manager: Has access to all features within the dashboard and mobile apps except billing administration (Account Owner may grant billing admin privileges to any account manager).

  • Staffer: Has access to most features within the dashboard and mobile apps. Restricted from creating lists. No access to Analytics.

  • Lead Organizer: Restricted access to mobile and dashboard. Has the ability to reflect on previous reports of houses or contacts that were interacted with in the past - these are your experienced organizers who can assist and lead other regular organizers and volunteers.

  • Organizer: Restricted access to mobile and dashboard.

Note: Access for all permission levels is limited to assigned contacts within the mobile app.

See more here.

So how does all this work?

It's easy! When you sign up to use Ecanvasser you gain access to our dashboard which you can access on your laptop or tablet. On sign-up it allows you to download and make full use of our apps; Ecanvasser Walk and Ecanvasser Go both are available to be downloaded on the Play Store and the App Store.

Should you need any assistance in setting up, please reach out to support@ecanvasser.com

Who uses the dashboard on a daily basis?

The dashboard can be easily accessed by the person who sets up the account- this person is the Account Owner and they have access to everything within the Ecanvasser account.

Side note:

There is a subtle difference between Account Owner and Account Manager.

Your Account Manager can’t delete the account or access the billing section.

As mentioned above, the Account Owner can grant billing privileges to individual Account Managers.

The Account Manager is generally the main point person - everyone reports back to this individual and they can see everything on the dashboard, how many people are in the contact file, all the completed interactions, and any issues reported.

Next up, the Staffer also has access to the dashboard but is not able to create Lists or make bulk changes with in bulk to your database.

The best way to think of this is that a Staffer will complete work on the dashboard, but will not be in a position to create work for their colleagues.

Walk and Go

The Lead Organizer and Organizer can access assigned contacts in the database through the mobile app or the dashboard but cannot perform any bulk actions such as exporting, deleting contacts or assigning lists to other members. The Lead Organizer is typically the main point of contact when your team is out in the field. In order to access the dashboard, the user needs have be invited with an email address.

You can further modify the permission settings on the "Customize" page on the dashboard.

If you have any additional questions please contact: support@ecanvasser.com

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