Explore your Importing Contact Data Options

How to populate your account with contact data

Updated over a week ago

Importing your data into Ecanvasser is generally the first step towards actively launching your account and it's important to understand how this works to make sure that your data is managed in the most effective way possible.
Data situations can vary significantly between regions, districts and even countries.
Some areas will have one good contact data file; while others might be looking to merge multiple sets, or even build a database from scratch.

To import data into Ecanvasser, it must either be in spreadsheet (excel, csv etc.) format, or via one of our integrations.

Don't have a contact file?

If you don't have a file available, you may have a few options available to you to source one, you can review these here.
Alternatively, you might want to consider building a database from scratch?

Have a contact file, but it needs a little work?

The Ecanvasser Contact File Importer is quite flexible, allowing for the import of data files with different structures. Occasionally files will require a little cleaning - if this is the case you can learn about the requirements for import here:

Have a single database and you are ready to go!

If you have a single contact file to import and are ready to go, you can simply proceed to importing your contacts; likewise if you're a NationBuilder user.

Have multiple files and need to merge cleanly & efficiently?

If your confident that there are no duplicates between these files, you can simply import them one by one, as if you had one large file.

In any case, Ecanvasser has a built in de-duplication tool to identify potential duplicate contacts.

If you have any questions reach out to us using the chat box below, or contact support@ecanvasser.com

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