Leader: Talking Points

Your direct line of communication to everyone in your organization

Updated over a week ago

Talking Points are the direct line of communication to everyone in your organization, direct to their phones. Pushing Talking Points to your entire membership gives you control over how your teams interact and campaign in the community.

It allows you to adjust messaging in real-time based on events as they happen.

Creating Talking Points on Leader Level

Talking Points which were created on Leader level show up for every account.
You can edit Leader Talking Points only from the Leader level. They can't be edited within each account.

  1. Go to the tab "Customize"

  2. Choose the section "Talking Points"

  3. From here you can create or edit your Talking Points. Click here for more information on how to create or edit Talking Points.

Talking Points on Account Level

  1. Additionally, Talking Points can be created for each account separately. They are then only visible within the account that they were created in. Click here for more information on how to create or edit Talking Points.

  2. Talking Points which were created on the Leader Level show up with a world icon. They can only be added, edited or deleted from the Leader Level.

If you have any questions reach out to us in app, or contact support@ecanvasser.com

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